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Health Kinesiology (HK)/Natural Bioenergetics (NB) has allowed me to recover my well being from a very broken state. The doctor’s verdict on my severe and widespread skin rashes was that I should go home and live with them. I used steroid creams for 17 years and felt less and less well. Eventually I began to try alternatives, and I found homeopathy an excellent aid to keeping my family well. I trained as a homeopath and set up my practice in 1996.

In 2000 I discovered kinesiology, attended sessions for myself, and began to learn to use it professionally, qualifying in 2004. I have found HK/NB to be the most effective of all the alternatives I have tried, both as a client and as a practitioner. I am so grateful to have my life back and to be able to offer clients of all ages the very best road to the recovery of their vitality on every level, regardless of their initial goals or concerns.

The range of imbalances that I have helped people with is endless. Clients have left behind complaints and concerns of many sorts. NB also benefits clients who seek to improve practical skills or the ability to learn and be organised, and to build confidence in work and social settings. I have been privileged to see clients grow in skill and confidence who were being held back by so many different things in their lives.

I continue to deliver homeopathy within my NB practice, especially for acute situations.

NB has given me my life back and it can do the same for you. I work from home and can find an appointment to suit your timetable. I’d like to help you, too.


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